October Newsletter

October Newsletter
Posted on 10/01/2024
Hello October

Note from the Principal

Mr. Kramer picture

I hope you have had a wonderful first two months of school at Whittier! We have had a very productive and successful two months of learning. Here at Whittier students are learning the most updated researched based curriculum and learning experiences through the Science of Reading and International Baccalaureate Program.

All students K-5 are learning phonics based programs in either Spanish and English.

  • K-2 English are engaged in CKLA Phonics for 60 minutes everyday.
  • K-1 Dual language students engage in Taller phonics for 60 minutes everyday.
  • 3-5 students engage in Core 95 phonics for 30 minutes everyday

Students K-5 learn comprehension, writing, social studies, and science through the International Baccalaureate Programthrough transdisciplinary units. We are teaching students to be global thinkers that can problem solve their learning.

In math, we utilize Everyday Math. Everyday Math teaches all math skills through a spiral program. This means that students will not master every skill right away. The program reinforces skills continuously throughout the year.

We encourage you to ask your teachers what you can do at home to support your child's progress at school. Working in a partnership is essential to your child's learning.

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